a blog about the cultural experiences my husband and I have because of our work abroad...what's delightful and beautiful about different countries and cultures...what we have learned from living and working in countries other than our home country...and how those experiences have changed us

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hangin' out with friends

This week my friend Mouychean and I were chatting when she mentioned another friend Sreymao missed me and wanted to see me. Sreymao spent the last three months working in a far northern province and we haven't seen each other in quite a long time. So we made a plan to get together.
Sunday morning the two of them came over to our apartment bringing yummy Durian (fruit that I never knew about before we moved to Cambodia but which I now love) and bananas wrapped in rice. I thought while they were here it would be fun to have a photo shoot. I don't have many good pictures of these two girls whom I've known for over two years and with whom I've spent many fun times. Plus I want to improve my photography skills and all the photography books suggest you ask your friends if you can practice on them. :) It was the first time I've attempted a formal  "photo shoot" and I tried to think of all that I've read recently about portrait photography and light. Most of all I wanted my friends to have a good time.

We laughed enough that's for sure! And I think I did alright for my first try. Here are a few of my favorites.

Stephen added a bit of humor and originality to round out our photoshoot. He titled this photo "Bookclub".

Mouychean is pretty fluent in English but Sreymao is not quite yet, though she knows a lot more English than I know Khmer. We usually end up talking quite a bit about language. They practice their English and I practice Khmer. Well, I mostly just repeat words until Mouychean is pleased with the pronunciation. :)

It was a fun day for me (though I can tell already that being a photographer is hard work) and I think the girls enjoyed themselves too.

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